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Sunday, 06 October 2024
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China claims US toppling government through NED NGO, working as 2nd CIA,  to bringing puppet forces in power around the world

China claims US toppling government through NED NGO, working as 2nd CIA, to bringing puppet forces in power around the world

By TSAT report


BEIJING (TSAT) - Chinese foreign ministry accused the US of toppling the government through National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and bringing their puppet under the pretext of promoting democracy.



A detailed fact sheet issued by the foreign ministry and accused the NED is working as a “second CIA”.



“The United States has long used democracy as a tool and a weapon to undermine democracy in the name of democracy, to incite division and confrontation, and to meddle in other countries’ internal affairs, causing catastrophic consequences,” said the ministry in its fact sheet. 


The NED, as one of the US government’s main “foot soldiers”, “white gloves” and “democracy crusaders”, has subverted lawful governments and cultivated pro-US puppet forces around the world under the pretext of promoting democracy. 


“Its disgraceful record has aroused strong discontent in the international community,” it's said.  


China said that NED is dunging by the White House and US congress and take orders from there to implement their agenda. 


“Through the provision of funding, it has manipulated and directed NGOs around the world to export American values, conduct subversion, infiltration and sabotage, and incite so-called “democratic movements” in target countries and regions. It is essentially the US government’s “white glove” that serves US strategic interests,” the ministry claimed in its fact sheet.  


According to the ministry, the NED has four core institutes: the National Democratic Institute and the International Republican Institute, mainly responsible for supporting local political groups; the American Center for International Labor Solidarity responsible for promoting trade unions and labor movements; and the Center for International Private Enterprise for co-opting private enterprises. 


“Through these four institutes, NED has become the mastermind behind separatist riots, color revolutions, political crises, lies and rumors, and infiltration around the world, with an ever-growing list of evils,” its added. 


“NED was seen behind color revolutions instigated and orchestrated by the United States, including the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Rose Revolution in Georgia, the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, and the Arab Spring,” it’s claimed.


The NED was also behind the anti-government demonstrations in Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Algeria, Bolivia, it’s added. 



Beijing accused the US organization to have close links with “Xinjiang independence” organizations and funding them.

“NED maintains close ties with “Tibet independence” forces. They have been in contact since 2010 when then Chairman of NED Gershman presented the “Democracy Service Medal” to Dalai Lama.”


“Provoking controversy and stigmatizing China’s press policy. The NED-funded “Reporters Without Borders” has long instigated the international community, advertisers, press unions and foreign governments to treat Chinese media differently and be vigilant against their so-called “threat”. Since COVID-19 struck, the “Reporters Without Borders” made such irresponsible remarks as urging China to “stop censoring information about coronavirus epidemic” and warning against the government’s “increased repression” against journalism. It also fabricated rumors that many Chinese journalists face “years of detention in prisons, where ill-treatment can lead to death”.

The ministry further said that NED has created various “democracy awards” to encourage dissidents in other countries to help the US “export” democracy. 

“Since 1991, NED has been granting the Democracy Award annually to political activists and dissidents in countries including Russia, China, DPRK, Myanmar, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela and Ukraine in recognition of “defending human rights and democracy”.



The Chinese foreign ministry said the NED has been funding the Interethnic Interfaith Leadership Conference and inviting separatist groups. 

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