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Türkiye restricts export of certain products to Israel over Gaza onslaught

Türkiye restricts export of certain products to Israel over Gaza onslaught

- Israel continues to flagrantly violate international law, ignores international community's numerous calls for cease-fire and uninterrupted humanitarian aid, Trade Ministry says

By Anadolu staff

ISTANBUL (AA) - Türkiye has restricted the export of certain products to Israel until it implements a cease-fire and allows “sufficient and uninterrupted flow" of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, the Trade Ministry said on Tuesday.

“Israel continues to flagrantly violate international law and ignores the international community's numerous calls for cease-fire and uninterrupted humanitarian aid,” the ministry said in a statement.

It said that resolutions by the UN Security Council, General Assembly and Human Rights Council in addition to the interim injunction decisions dated Jan. 26 and Mar. 28 by the International Court of Justice in The Hague within the scope of South Africa’s case for allegedly violating the 1948 Genocide Convention all “obliged Israel to reach a cease-fire.”

Tel Aviv must, “in full cooperation with the UN, allow the uninterrupted provision of all basic humanitarian assistance to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, including the medical supplies and health services they need,” it added.

"Türkiye has decided to restrict the export of products to Israel under the product groups specified in the annex, as a first move, as of April 9, 2024. The requirements of this decision will be immediately implemented,” the ministry said. The annex listed several types of aluminum and steel products, paint, electric cables, construction materials, fuel, and other materials.

“This decision will remain in effect until Israel, within the framework of its obligations arising from international law, declares an immediate cease-fire in Gaza and allows a sufficient and uninterrupted flow of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip,” the ministry said, adding that Türkiye “has not allowed the sale of any product or service that can be used for military purposes to Israel” since a long time.

“Within the framework of the grave situation in the Gaza Strip, our call to all members of the international community is to do their part to ensure that Israel complies with its obligations arising from international law,” the ministry reiterated.

“As the state and people of the Republic of Türkiye, we will continue to stand by and support Palestine and its people, as we have done so far."

Israel has killed more than 33,000 Palestinians since an Oct. 7 cross-border incursion by Palestinian group Hamas which claimed 1,200 lives.

Much of Gaza's infrastructure has since been destroyed, and 1.9 million of its residents forcibly displaced, leaving them at risk of disease and famine.

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