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7 Israelis injured in shooting in occupied West Bank

7 Israelis injured in shooting in occupied West Bank

- Palestinian gunman opened fire on minibus between Dolev and Talmon settlements, according to Israeli daily Maariv


By Anadolu staff

JERUSALEM (AA) - At least seven Israelis were seriously injured on Friday as a result of a shooting near the Dolev settlement in the occupied West Bank.

The Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation reported that among the seven Israelis injured in the attack, one sustained a life-threatening injury, while two others were seriously injured.

The Israeli army announced earlier Friday that the attacker was killed using a missile after a clash that lasted several hours.

“After a chase and clash that lasted for several hours, the attacker was eliminated through a missile fired from a long distance,” the Israeli Channel 12 reported.

Earlier, the daily Maariv reported that a Palestinian gunman opened fire on a minibus between the Dolev and Talmon settlements in the central West Bank, seriously wounding at least one Israeli.

"A combat helicopter was sent to the scene, with many forces and special means being used to arrest the gunman,” it added.

The identity of the gunman is not yet known, and no party has claimed responsibility for the operation.

Tensions have been running high across the West Bank since Israel launched a deadly military offensive against the Gaza Strip after a cross-border attack by Hamas last October.

At least 447 Palestinians have since been killed and over 4,700 others injured by Israeli army fire in the occupied territory, according to the Health Ministry.

Israel stands accused of genocide at the International Court of Justice, which in an interim ruling in January ordered Tel Aviv to stop genocidal acts and take measures to guarantee that humanitarian assistance is provided to civilians in Gaza, where nearly 32,000 people have been killed.

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