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Growing tension in Indo-Pacific region, Japan mulls describing Beijing as ‘posing a challenge to the international order’

Growing tension in Indo-Pacific region, Japan mulls describing Beijing as ‘posing a challenge to the international order’


By The South Asia Times 



TOKYO: Tension between China and Japan is growing despite a recent meeting between the top leaders of both countries in Bangkok lost month. 


Tokyo considering to revised its National Security Strategy and considering describing China military moves as posing a "challenge" to the international order, as well as to Japan and like-minded countries, Kyodo News Agency reported on Thursday.


Japan's move could provoke China Beijing and tension may further increase in the region.



“The National Defense Strategy, a document subordinate to the NSS, may refer to China's firing of ballistic missiles into Japan's exclusive economic zone in August as a "threat," in an apparent consideration of security hawks in the LDP,” the agency citing sources as saying.


The plans apparently reflect the government's intention to keep the momentum of dialogue with China after the two countries held their first summit meeting in almost three years last month, according to report.


Last month Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and Chinese President Xi Jinping in Bangkok and agreed on building "constructive and stable" relations between the two neighbors.

However, a week later Japanese coast guard claimed that Chinese ships with the largest cannon in the East China Sea intruded into its territorial waters near the Senkaku Islands for the second time in a single day.


China and Japan are at odds over Japan's Senkaku Islands, which Beijing claims and refers to as the Diaoyu Islands.


Tokyo and Washington are close allies and apparently, the US using Japan, South Korea, Australia, and India against Beijing as the two major powers already in rivalry.

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