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India's Perilous Plunge into Human Rights Abyss

India's Perilous Plunge into Human Rights Abyss

By Manahil Jaffer

As the global community marks Human Rights Day on December 10, a dark shadow looms over the principles of justice and equality. In the scenic valleys of Kashmir, where the beauty of the terrain is eclipsed by the agony of its inhabitants, the tragedy of Indian occupation unfolds with a poignant intensity. The essence of Human Rights Day is tainted by the anguish of a population subjected to unbridled oppression, where justice and equality are not rights but elusive aspirations. The resonance of this tragedy reverberates far beyond the borders of IIOJK, serving as a stark reminder of the urgency to address the humanitarian crisis that has festered under the weight of unchecked power of hostile India.

India's unchecked human rights violations in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and its mainland underscore a disturbing narrative that demands scrutiny. This article delves into the relentless atrocities, institutionalized discrimination, and escalating violence perpetrated by Indian forces, particularly against religious minorities, portraying a chilling departure from the principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).
As the world reflects on the lofty ideals enshrined in the UDHR, the echoes of silence in IIOJK drown out the principles of justice. The international community stands as a passive audience to the orchestrated suffering of Kashmiris, a silent saga conducted by the powerful. The tragedy lies not only in the blatant transgressions against human rights but also in the muted global response, allowing the oppressor to continue its ruthless narrative with impunity.
As the world reflects on the UDHR's adoption by the UN General Assembly in 1948, the stark contrast between its eloquent principles and the harrowing reality in IIOJK becomes glaringly evident. The systematic discrimination and surging violence, particularly against Muslims, stand as a grotesque affront to the very essence of the first article of the UDHR.

A compendium of reports from esteemed international entities, including the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review, Kashmir Media Service, Legal Forum for Kashmir, and Amnesty International, weave a tapestry of human rights abuses in IIOJK. From mass killings and enforced disappearances to torture, rape, and political repression, the narrative is one of unbridled brutality.

The Bi-annual Human Rights Review Report, spanning January to June 2022, unveils a grim tableau – 72 military operations resulting in 191 Kashmiri deaths and the bombing of over 116 residential houses. Draconian laws like the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) and the Public Safety Act (PSA) act as a cloak of impunity, perpetuating the humanitarian crisis.

The international community, as echoed by various human rights groups and the United States, has expressed grave concerns over India's ruthless actions in IIOJK. The US Human Rights Watch report has laid bare the excessive use of force, torture, and civilian deaths during search operations. The hollow claims of resolution by Indian leaders, including Prime Minister Modi, are met with rightful skepticism by the Foreign Office of Pakistan, emphasizing the dire need for concrete actions.

Recent statements by U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan Donald Blome and German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, endorsing Pakistan's stance on Kashmir, signal a potential shift in the international narrative. These statements challenge India's façade and align with Pakistan's longstanding efforts to expose the human rights catastrophe, countering India's desperate attempts to muzzle third-party intervention.

The patterns of violence against Muslims in India extend beyond the borders of IIOJK, painting a sordid mosaic of institutionalized discrimination and impunity since 2014. The Amnesty International report meticulously documents laws passed without consultation, erosion of human rights defenders' rights, and punitive demolitions of Muslim homes, further fueling global condemnation.

As the world commemorates Human Rights Day, the international community must confront the nightmarish reality unfolding in IIOJK and mainland India. The unchecked brutality demands global condemnation, urging India to uphold its obligations under international law. The silencing of voices within and outside India, coupled with the perpetuation of draconian laws, paints a dystopian picture that must be vehemently opposed.
Human Rights Day serves as a solemn reminder that the principles articulated in the UDHR are not to be relegated to mere rhetoric. The struggle of the Kashmiris and minorities in India underscores the urgency for the international community to rally against these gross violations, dismantling oppressive structures and fostering genuine dialogue for lasting peace. The principles of justice and equality must not be relegated to lofty ideals but should serve as the bedrock upon which a more humane and just world is built.

India's reprehensible role as an aggressor cannot be dismissed lightly. The unfettered brutality in IIOJK, paired with the entrenched discrimination against minorities in mainland India, brutally highlights the immediate and imperative demand for the international community to forcefully hold India accountable for its heinous human rights violations. The harrowing struggle endured by the Kashmiris and minorities transcends mere condemnation; it cries out for resolute, unyielding actions to guarantee justice, equality, and the reinstatement of basic human rights in the beleaguered region. The severity of India's transgressions requires not just scrutiny but an unwavering, unapologetic response to rectify the egregious injustices perpetrated under its watch.

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