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Islamophobic politician celebrates, Muslim world mourns over Imran Khan ousting from power in Pakistan

Islamophobic politician celebrates, Muslim world mourns over Imran Khan ousting from power in Pakistan

By Fazal Khan Fazal

BRUSSELS (TSAT) - Anti-Muslim politicians in western countries celebrated the removal of the charismatic Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan from power on Saturday.

However, the Muslim world mourned over the alleged conspiracy of the United States to plan the move in Washington and toppled his government in the only Muslim nuclear power and major South Asian country.


A Dutch politician Geert Wilders , who is known for their Islamophobic views and spreading hatred against Muslims in western countries, called Khan's removal from power a “good riddance”.


“President and islamic extremist @ImranKhanPTIis removed from office. Good riddance. He was a supporter of terror and an enemy of freedom, democracy and India,” Wilders tweeted.


Responding to Wilders, a Pakistani journalist Javeria Siddique slammed his comments and said Khan was fighting against the Islamaphobic.


“He was Prime Minister, not President and he is not an extremist but fighting against Islamophobia. He will be back in the coming elections,” Javeria wrote on Twitter.


Another Canadian politician and former diplomat Chris Alexander also termed Khan removal as good news for him.

“Imran Khan’s downfall is another milestone in the Afghan struggle for freedom that began decades ago & will continue until victory,” Chris Alexander wrote on Twitter

Chris is a well-known anti-Muslim and pro-Indian politician in Canada who always spreading propaganda against Pakistan for a long time.


However, a British politician Ben Goldsmith called Khan is a good and honorable man and said he did good job for his country.


“My brother-in-law @ImranKhanPTI is a good and honourable man, motivated only by a strong desire to do good by his country. His record as PM is exceptional, most of all on the biggest issue of our time: Pakistan under Imran is now a world leader on environmental restoration,” Ben said.


Responding to Ben, the Canadian politician Chris criticized him and said your statement is wrong.

“As a Briton (& human being), you should be ashamed of this demagogue who backed the invasion of Afghanistan by misogynist terrorists; celebrated US, UK & NATO humiliation; & winked at Putin’s genocidal rampage,” Chris responded to Ben.


Several social media users criticized Chris for his irresponsible comments and said he is paid “Indian tout”.

“Chris is paid tout of Pakistan enemies country,” Jadoon Zaidi said.

While Ahmad, another user accused him of paid propaganda fed by India.

Omid Noorzai, an Afghan national also criticized the Canadian Islamophobic politician and said Afghans don’t need his support.

“Everyone knows about UK & US legacy from in Africa, South America to Asia. You do not need to lecture us,” Noorzai responded him.


- Muslim world mourns

However, Muslims in different countries are mourning Khan's removal from power and said he [Khan] always raised a voice for innocent Muslims in Kashmir and Palestine and fought against Islamophobia in the western countries.


“Pakistan and Imran Khan are trend topics in Turkey again. Turkish people can understand the grief and anger of Pakistani people the best. We know that hearts are broken and there are tears in the eyes tonight. But by the help of Allah, Pakistan will reach the light of freedom!,” Turgay Evren, a Turkish author and songwriter wrote on Twitter.


A prominent US journalist CJ Werleman also called Imran Khan's removal from power a “sad day” for Pakistan.

“This is a sad day for Pakistan! Imran Khan was the greatest Pakistani PM. A true statesman who led the country out of militarized corruption & the darkness that was the “War on Terror.”

“He’s a victim of circumstances beyond his control (inflation, stubborn economic hurdles etc),” Werleman said.


“Khan’s political opponents were able to seize on his low favorables. But Pakistan is far poorer without IK at the helm, as is the fight against Indian occupation in Kashmir, and global Islamophobia,” the US journalist praised his fight against Islamophobia.

A prominent Kashmiri-American Tony Ashai also expressed grief over Khan ousting and said he is thinking to close his Twitter account.


“Started my activism for Kashmir in 2019 when Modi annexed Kashmir illegally. Modi Gov started a campaign against me in media and then blocked my account in India. Now as I see event unfold in Pakistan I along with many Kashmiris have lost hope. Thinking of closing this account,” he said

“I will continue to work for Kashmiris as I feel it is an obligation on every Kashmiri to raise voice for our rights who are free to speak. I will also continue to work on Namal University and hope that new Gov in@Pakistan don’t put obstacles in its completion,” Tony Ashai added.

Late Thursday, Imran Khan was removed from power by the country’s opposition alliance through a vote of no-confidence.


Pakistan parliament will elect the new prime minister on Monday and opposition parties nominated the opposition leader Shehbaz Sharif as their candidate for the top position in the country.

Sharif is the younger brother of former PM Nawaz Sharif, who is currently living in London. Nawaz Sharif was disqualified by the country’s top court in 2017 on corruption charges while corruption cases against the new nominee for premiership are also under trial in the court in Pakistan.

Khan last week publically named the United States and said the plan against his government removal was made in Washington.

Khan also claimed that he received a threatening letter from the US and the Biden administration want regime change in Pakistan as the US is not happy about his visit to Russia.

Khan visited Russia in February and hold a meeting with President Putin and received warmly welcomed in Moscow.

Khan also openly criticized the US for using his country in the Afghan war and later abandoned them alone while providing military support to his arch-rival India.

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