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OIC strongly condemns India's war crimes in Kashmir, request UN to deploy protection forces in disputed region

OIC strongly condemns India's war crimes in Kashmir, request UN to deploy protection forces in disputed region

ISLAMABAD (TSAT) - The OIC strongly condemned human rights violation and war crimes committing by the Indian forces in Kashmir and request the UN to deploy protection forces in the disputed region for protection of civilians.

The following is the full text of the OIC resolution on Jammu and Kashmir dispute......


The Forty-Eighth Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic cooperation (Session of Partnering for Unity, Justice and Development) held in Islamabad,Islamic Republic of Pakistan, on 22– 23 March 2022 (19-20Shabaan 1443H).


Reaffirming the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of Islamic cooperation(OIC) and the UN Charter regarding the sanctityo fthe universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination and recalling the numerous unimplemented UN Security Council resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir dispute which declare that the final disposition of the state of Jammu and Kashmir will be made in accordance with the will of the people to  join India or Pakistan expressed through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite conducted under the auspices of the United Nations;

Stressing that lasting peace in South Asia cannot be achieved without a justsettlement of the core Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with UNSC resolutions;


Recalling the Special Declarations on Jammu and Kashmir adopted by the 7th, 10th and 11th Sessions    of    the    Islamic    Summit    Conference    and   the    Extraordinary    Session    of    the Islamic Summits held in Casablanca in 1994 and Islamabad in 1997 and all previous OIC resolutions on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute and Joint Communiqué as well as the reports of the ministerial and Summit Meetings of the OIC Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmir and endorsing the recommendations contained therein;

Reaffirming the sentiments expressed in the unanimously adopted Communiqués of the OIC Contact Group on Jammu&Kashmir in its Ministerial meetings held on :25 September 2019 in New York the sidelines of the 74 UNGA session; and on 22 June 2020 in virtual format as extraordinary meeting, expressing solidarity with the Kashmiri people,grave concern over the worsening human rights and humanitarian situation in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJ&K), and deploring the siege of the Kashmiri population, communications blackout, indiscriminate use of force, including pellet guns, and abduction of youngboys;

Underscoring that Jammu & Kashmir is unresolved question of granting the right to self- determination to the people of Jammu and Kashmir that has been on the agenda o fthe United Nations Security Council forover seven decades now;

Denouncing India’s illegal and unilateral actions of 5 August 2019 and subsequent steps which are indirect violation of UNSC resolutions and are aimed at changing the demographic structure of IOJ&K, suppressing the realization of the inalienable right to self-determination of the Kashmiris as well as violating their civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights and to perpetuate India’s illegal occupation of the occupied Jammu and Kashmir;

Further rejecting the“Jammu & Kashmir Reorganization Order2020”,“Jammu & Kashmir Grant of Domicile Certificate Rules 2020”, “Jammu & Kashmir Language Bill 2020” and recently notified amendments in landownership laws {“J-K Reorganization (Adaptation of Central Laws) Third Order, 2020”}, issuance of domicile certificates to thousands of non- Kashmiris foreigners, aimed at changing the demographic structure of IIOJK, which are in complete contravention of UNSC resolutions and international law,including the 4thGeneva Co nvention,and India’s own Solemn Commitments to implement UNSC resolutions and the actions of 5 August 2019 are therefore,void and without legal effect;

Reaffirming the principle of the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by force aswell as obligations of all States not to recognize any situation as lawful, arising from the breaches of peremptory norms of international law,

Alarmed at the potential risk that India’s sustained repression and militarization of the occupied territory may result in forced displacement of Kashmiri people from their homeland,

Recalling that Security Council resolution 47 (1948) provides that “all citizens of the State who have left it on account of disturbances are invited, and are free to return to their homes and to exercise their rights as such citizens”,

Reaffirming the fundamental human right enshrined in the UNSC resolutions that the final disposition of the State of Jammu & Kashmir will be made in accordance with the will oft he people, expressed through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite,conductedunder theauspices of the United Nations;

Acknowledging that by its Resolutions 91 (1951), 122 (1957) and 123 (1957), the Security Council reaffirmed that any unilateral attempt by the parties concerned to determine the future shape and affiliation of the entire State of Jammu & Kashmir, or any part there of, would not constitute a disposition of the State in accordance with the principle of a free and impartial plebiscite under UN auspices;

Eulogizing the legitimate struggle of the Kashmiris and their huge sacrifices for their right to self-determination, and condemning the widespread violations of human rights and international humanitarian law including crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Indian occupation forces in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir since 1989, resulting in the extra-judicial  killing    of    more    than    96,000    Kashmiris,    widowing    of    around 23,000 women, and further deploring that around 108,000 children have been orphaned, around110,000 structures including schools and houses have been destroyed, and more than 8652 unidentified massgraves have been discovered;

Welcoming the UN Security Council deliberations of 16 August 2019, 15 January 2020 and 5 August 2020, onthesituation in Jammu andKashmir;

Recalling the statement of the UN Secretary General of 8 August 2019 clearly affirming that the UN position on Jammu and Kashmir was“governed by the Charter of the United Nations and applicable Security Council resolutions”;

Welcoming the Ministerial Meetings of the OIC Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmiron 25 September 2019 and 22 June 2020, on the grave situation in the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir;

Also welcoming the Ministerial Meeting of the OIC Contact Group on Jammu andKashmir on the sidelines of the 76thSession of the UN General Assembly, in New York on 23 September 2021, noting in particular, that the Joint Communique adopted on the occasion unequivocally rejected the unilateral Indian actions of 5 August 2019 as in consistent with international law and the relevant UN Security Council resolutions;

Recalling the two Kashmir reports issued by the Office of the UN High Commissionerfor Human Rights in June 2018 and July 2019, comprehensively documenting               the         gross and systematic violations of human rights in the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir;

Further recalling the public statement, issued by the UN Special Procedures on 18 February 2021, warning the international community about the devastating human rights implications of India’s demographic engineering of the UN recognized disputed territory,


Emphasizing that the      Jammu & Kashmir dispute         has been left festering for decades, periodically serving as a flashpoint for conflict between India and Pakistan;

Acknowledging that the non- resolution of this internationally recognized dispute has previously led to war  and near- war situations between India and Pakistan;

Expressing deep concern at the continued inhuman military siege and media blackout in IIOJK, which have continued for more than thirty months,are causing immense suffering to the Kashmiri people– especially women, children and the elderly;

Deploring the state sponsored terrorism and crimes against humanity by Indian occupationforcesagainst people of IIOJK;

Regretting that in the freedom struggle which commenced in December 1989 after Indian troops killed over 100 peaceful Kashmiri demonstrators in Srinagar, around100,000 Kash miris have been martyred, more than 23,000 women have been widowed and 108,000 children orphaned. Over 12,000 Kashmiri women have been raped by Indian occupation forces;

 Expressing deep concern on the additional draconian measures by the Indian government post August 5th, further increasing the impunity of Indian occupation forces, resulting inegregious violations of basic human rights and fundamental freedoms of the Kashmiri people in IIOJK;

Expressing    serious    concerns    on    several    credible    reports    from    human    rights organizations and media outlets documenting gross human rights violations committed by India aggravated by lockdown and communications clampdown in IIOJK; reports of arbitrary detentions and en forced disappearances of as manyas 13,000 young boys, kept at undisclosed locations,on trumped up charges; and torture of political leaders and activists who have been arbitrarily arrested or detained,   the       number  of which, according to        somee stimates exceeds 6000;

Condemning further the harassment of Kashmiri women by Indian occupation forces and reports of Indian occupation forces forcing their way inside people’s homes and threatening young women with molestation;

Further condemning extra-judicial killing during the fake ‘encounters’ and ‘search-and- cordon’ operations and demolition of homes and private properties as a form of collective punishment;

Denouncing the renewed use of pellet guns by Indian occupation forces against innocent civilians especially youth and expressing deep concern that the victims of pellet guns are unable to get medical treatment due to the closure of hospitals and restriction on medical facilities;

Further denouncing restrictions on fundamental rights of people of IIOJK especially tofreedom of expression and opinion, peaceful assembly, association and movement;

Deploring the restrictions on fundamental freedom of people of IIOJK to religion or belief and stopping them from offering Eid or Friday prayers;

Strongly deploring the change in the status of Urdu language associated with Kashmiri Muslims and their identity as an exclusive official language in IIOJK;

Further deploring that India has callously exploited the current COVID-19 crisis to intensify its military crackdown and further advance its unlawful occupation in Jammu and

Kashmir,which may have an impact on the spread of the pandemic;

Expressing concern over India’s intermittent ceasefire violations on the Line of Control(LoC),resulting in deaths and injuries to civilian population particularly women and

children,and endangering peace and security in the region;

Condemning India’s violations of the 2003 ceasefire understanding (with Pakistan) which have escalated across the LoC as well as India’s use of prohibited“cluster amunitions” along the LoC, deliberately targeting civilians;

Welcoming the Open Discussion of the OIC Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission under its “Standing Mechanism to Monitor Human Rights Situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir”  during its    16th         Regular Session            held     in         Jeddah from    24-28 November 2019, which expressed its dismay and strong condemnation over the continued human rights violations in Indian Occupied Kashmir; assailed the Government of India for not allowing a fact finding visit to the Indian Occupied Kashmir despite repeated requests by the IPHRC, OIC and UN- OHCHR at different times; and agreed to conduct an independent case study on the ‘use of pellet guns in Indian Occupied Kashmir by the Indian security forces against peaceful protesters including women and children’;

Regretting that despite the solemn commitments made by the Government of India in numerous official communications to the United Nations Security Council, to Pakistan, to other states and to the people of Jammu & Kashmir, to abide by and implement UNSC resolutions relevant to Jammu & Kashmir, India has consistently reneged on these commitments over the years;

Acknowledging the two successive reports in June 2018 and July 2019 by the United Nations Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), which extensively documented the gross and systemic violations of humanrights of the Kashmiri people by India in IIOJK;

Welcoming the statement of the UN Secretary General of 8 August 2019 that the UN’sposition on this region (IOJ&K) was governed by the UN Charter and the relevant UNSCresolutions;

Taking note of the concerns expressed by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights regarding the worsening human rights and humanitarian situation in IOJ&K especially post August 5, 2019;

Recognizing that the UN Special Procedure Mandate Holders have repeatedly expressed serious concern on violation of human rights in IOJ&K in their multiple pronouncements and deploring the Indian response to reject role of the Special Procedure Mandate Holderson the issue.;

Recalling further that the Joint Press Release issued on 4 August 2020 by 18 UN Independent Human Right Experts, which termed the post-5 August 2019 human rights situation in IOJKin “freefall”;

Recalling the visit of the Secretary General’s Special Envoy on Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir in March 2020 and welcoming his comprehensive report presented to the 47thOIC Council of Foreign Ministers in Niamey in November2020;

Denouncing India’s continued refusal to allow the Special Envoy, the UN Special Mandate Holders and international civil society organizations to visit the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir;

Welcoming the role played by world leaders,parliamentarians,human rights organizations and international media,in raising their voice against illegal Indian occupation and atrocitiesin Indian occupied Jammuand Kashmir;

Expressing deep concern that the COVID-19 pandemic has further aggravated the grave humanitarian situation in the Indian occupied Jammuand Kashmir, and noting with deep

concern that the suffering of the Kashmiri people has been exacerbated by lack of access to hospitals, medicines including life saving drugs and food supplies;

Denouncing the deliberate Indian policy to deny and deprive the Kashmiris of essential medical supplies and to exploit the pandemic to further perpetuate its oppressive reign in the IOJK;

Welcoming the visit of the OIC Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission  to Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir from 5-9August 2021;

Expressing deep condolences over the sad demise of the revered Kashmiri leader, Syed Ali Geelani, and paying homage to his unflinching commitment to the Kashmir cause in the face of persistent persecution and tremendous personal hardship;

Noting that Kashmir’s natural accession to Pakistan was an element of faith for Syed AliGeelani,who was a true voice and he roof the Kashmiris’ struggle for self- determination, and never lost his ideological mooring for a single moment;

Deploring the unconscionable act of snatching mortal remains of Syed Ali Geelani from his family by the Indian occupation forces and denying them the right to organize a funeral as well as to bury him asper his will;

Denouncing the gross human rights violations committed against Kashmiri leadership and human rights defenders in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir, who are consistently being traumatized, tortured, subjected to cruel and inhumane treatment;

Condemning the use of pellet guns and live fire-arms by the Indian security forces, theuse of the so-called ‘cordon-and-search operations’, imprisonment of Kashmiri political leaders, staged ‘fake encounters’, and a deliberate killing spree of Kashmiri youth as apunitive tool to punish entire communities;

Taking   note   of   the    dossier   presented   by   Pakistan   on    12   September   2021, containing comprehensive evidence of the Indian human rights violations in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir;

Endorsing the concern of the IPHRC report over the gross human rights violations in IIOJK, and denial by India to the right of self-determination to the Kashmiris guaranteed by international rights law and promised by various UN Security Council Resolutions;

Further endorsing the report of IPHRC which states that “through discriminatory laws,Indian security forces have created an atmosphere of impunity and fear which has led tograve human rights abuses against unarmed demonstrators and protestors, with little regard for the principles of proportionality and necessity”;

Welcoming the mandate given by the 47thsession of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers in Niamey to the Humanitarian Department of the OIC Secretariat to examine and analyze the  grave human rights and humanitarian situation in the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir with particular referenceto theCOVID-19pandemic;

Welcoming the visit of the Special Envoy on Jammu and Kashmir and the Assistant Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs to Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir from 7- 12 November 2021, and their comprehensive reports presented to the 48thSession o fthe Council of Foreign Ministers;

Taking note of the Memorandum presented by the True Representatives of the people ofJ ammu and Kashmir;

Recalling the responsibility of States to comply with their relevant international obligations and in this regard,welcoming the repeated consideration of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute

by the UN Security Council and the OIC

  1. Reaffirms support for the legitimate struggle of the Kashmiri people for realization of their inalienable right to self-determination and freedom from Indian occupation;
  2. Declares that the final settlement of the Jammua nd Kashmir dispute in accordance with UN Security Council resolutions and a UN supervised plebiscite, is indispensable for durable peace and stabilityin South Asia;
  3. Rejects the illegal and unilateral actions taken by India on August 5,2019 and subsequent steps to change the       internationally recognized disputed         status of                        the                 Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir and to alter the demographic structure of the occupied territory;
  4. Demands India to cancel the issuance of domicile certificates to non-Kashmiris and revoke all unilateral and illegal actions in IIOJK since 5 August 2019, including Jammu&KashmirReorganizationOrder2020”,“Jammu&KashmirGrantofDomicileCertif icate Rules 2020”,“Jammu and Kashmir Language Bill 2020”and amendments inland ownership laws     {“J-K   Reorganization (Adaptation of        Central  Laws)                  Third Order,2020”},while refraining from taking any step to alter the existing demographic structure o fthe disputed territory,which shall be incontravention of the existing UNSC resolutions    and in violation of the international humanitarian law including the 4th Geneva Convention;
  5. Acknowledges that the people of Jammu and Kashmir are the principal party to the dispute and should be included in any peace process for resolution of the Jammu &Kashmir dispute;
  6. Welcomes the visit of the delegation of the Independent Permanent Human RightsCommission(IPHRC) to Pakistan and AJK in March 2017,in the context of its Standing Mechanism for monitoring the human rights violations in the Indian occupied Jammu&Kashmir and acknowledging its report;
  7. Demands that India refrain from using live fire and pellet guns against civilians,including women and children; (proposed byPakistan)
  8. Urges India to adhere to its international human rights obligations;
  9. Urges the Government of India to also allow the OIC Special Representative on Jammuand Kashmir and the OIC Fact-finding Mission to visit Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir for a neutral and impartial judgment of human rights situation there;
  10. Calls for an immediate and complete lifting of military siege, removal of the restrictions on movement, peaceful assembly, provision of food and medical supplies, and release of political prisoners in IIOJK;
  11. Expresses concern over deployment of additional occupation forces by India and further calls for immediate scaling down of the number of the Indian armed forces and paramilitary forces both inside IIOJK and along the LoC, in order to help de-escalation of tension;
  12. Strongly urges India to implement the recommendations of the two OHCHR KashmirReports of2018 and 2019;
  13. Reiterates the urgent need to ensure that all those responsible for crimes relating tohuman rights violations and abuses in the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir must be held to account through credible and independent international investigation by international Commission of Inquiry;


  1. Calls upon Indian authorities to ensure that those responsible for violations of international law in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir, including human rights violations and abuses, are held accountable;
  2. Calls on India to provide an effective remedy to any person whose rights have been violated in Indian occupied JammuandKashmir,witha view to end impunity;
  3. Demands India to reverse all illegal and unilateral measures taken on or after 5 August 2019, stop the gross, systematic and widespread human rights abuses in the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir, halt and reverse the illegal demographic changes in the occupied territory including the construction of settler colonies,land confiscation,home demolitions and disruption of the livelihoods of the people of the IIOJK, allow unrestricted access to UN Special procedures, international media and independent observers to visit occupied Jammu and Kashmir, and take concrete and meaningful steps for the full implementation of UNSC resolutions onJammu and Kashmir;
  4. Calls on UN Human Right Machinery including the Office of the High Commissionerfor Human Rights to conduct an independent investigation against well- documentedcases of human rights violations including extra-judicial killings, sexual violence by the Indian occupation forces in the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir;
  5. Demands India to allow the family of Syed Ali Geelani and the Kashmiris to carry out his last rites in accordance with their wishes and Islamic traditions; and immediately release detained Kashmiri political leaders and youth in arbitrarydetention in jails across India;
  6. Emphasizes the need of a UN Fact Finding Mission to visit IOJ&K and urges India to allow unrestrictedand unhindered access to such a mission;
  7. Denounces India for denying access to IPHRC and other international bodies access toIOJ&K for making an objective assessment of on ground situation of human rightsviolations and mandates the IPHRC to continue seeking access to Indian occupiedJammuandKashmir;
  8. Condemns Indian attempts to malign the legitimate Kashmiri freedom struggle by denigrating it as terrorism and expressing support to the wide- spread indigenous movement in IIOJK for realization of their right to self- determination; Payin grich tribute to the valiant people of IIOJK who, despite worst Indian repression, continue to wage heroic struggle for their inalienable rightto self- determination;
  9. Further condemns in the strongest possible terms human rights violations perpetratedby Indian occupation forces in IIOJK and other such instances of Indian terrorism that have been the source of unspeakable suffering for the innocent Kashmiri people;
  10. Emphasizes that the question of Kashmir is of utmost importance for Muslim Ummahand requires a unified position from Member States at international fora; and requeststhe General Secretariat and OIC affiliated and specialized institutions and subsidiaryo rgans, to take necessary measures to ensure support for the resolutions backed by the OIC on the Kashmir question;
  11. Reminds the international community of its obligations to ensure the implementation of UN Security Council resolutions on Kashmir and fulfill the promises made by it with the people of Jammu and Kashmir;
  12. Affirms that any political process/elections held under foreign occupation cannot be a substitute to the exercise of the right of self-determination  by people of Jammu and Kashmir as provided in the relevant Security Council Resolutions and reaffirmed in the Millennium Declaration of the UN General Assembly and through pronouncements of the ICJ, in particular, the Advisory Opinion on Namibia(1971);
  1. Reaffirms the continued political,moral and diplomatic supportto the Kashmiri people until the realization       of         their     legitimate right of                 self-determination         as        per  the relevant Security Council resolutions;
  2. Declares the humanitarian situation in the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir, inparticular, in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, as a matter of grave concern, and decides to issue an immediate call for humanitarian assistance to the people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir;
  3. Requests the OIC Secretary General,to devise a comprehensive plan to help address the humanitarian needs of the people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir,by June2022;
  4. Recommends that Member States continue to coordinate their positions in international foram and mandates the OIC Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmir to meeting regularly;
  5. Authorize the OIC Group on Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs in Geneva and NewYork to:
    1. Continue to highlight the Kashmir issue at the UNHuman Rights Council,including through the Group’s statements under relevant agenda items;


  1. Regularly brief and/or write joint letters to the UN Secretary General, Presidents of the UN General Assembly and UN Security Council,President of the Human Rights Council and UN  High   Commissioner        for Human Rights, UN Special Procedures, and civil society organizations about the evolving developments in the occupied Jammuand Kashmir;
  1. Strongly urges the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to continue monitoring the human rights situation in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir and to produce an updated third report;
  2. Encourages the UN Special Procedure Mandate-Holders to continue to monitor and report, within their respective mandates, on the situation in the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir, and to raise public concerns in this regard;
  3. Requests the OIC Secretary General and OIC member states to highlight the worsening situation in the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir at various international forums                                         including the United Nations and call for immediate steps for a melioration of the human rights and humanitarian situation and peaceful resolution ofthe Jammu & Kashmir dispute; Directs the OIC Observer Missions in Geneva and NewYork to circulate Press Release, statements, Joint Communiques, reports and other documents related to Jammu & Kashmir, issued by the OIC and its relevant bodies, to New York and Geneva-based UN and other mechanisms, Permanent Missions and civilsocietyorganizations;
  4. Requests the OIC Secretary General to urge India to allowa visit by an OIC fact finding mission to the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir to conduct an independent verification of the situation on the ground, and to take steps to ameliorate the situation;
  5. Requests that for a meaningful and effective role in the dispute, the Secretary General should highlight the worsening situation in IIOJK at variousi nternational foram including the United Nations, and take all measures possible to take up the matter with the Indian Government, including dispatching a formal request to President of India, to facilitate the visit of an OIC Mission to Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir;


  1. Welcomes the UN Secretary General’s offer of his good offices for the resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute, and requests him to appoint a Special Envoy to steer the UN role on the issue;
  2. Underscores tha tthe dossier issued by Pakistan on 12 September 2021, presents  compelling evidence of systematic and widespread violations of human rights in theIIOJK;
  3. Calls upon the international community to hold India accountable for the heinouscrimes being committed by the occupation forces in the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmirand further urges the international community to review their engagements with India,the occupying power, as it is violating and disregarding the international law, the international humanitarian lawand internationalresolutions;
  4. Requests the Special Adviser of the UN Secretary General on Genocide Prevention tomonitor the worsening human rights situation in IIOJK including early signs of genocide and atrocity crimes in theIIOJK;
  5. Callsupon the international community, including the Security Council,to take effective measures to implement the relevant resolutions of the Council on Jammu and Kashmir and to enable the Kashmiri people to exercise their inalienable right to self-determination through a UN-supervised plebiscite,
  6. Requests the United Nations Security Council to actively monitor the crimes againsthumanity being committed by India, the Occupying Power in the IIOJK, and takeconcrete and practical steps for the protection of Kashmiri civilians, including through the deployment of a United Nations Protection Force in the Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir,
  7. Decides to remain actively seized o fthe matter,
  8. Requests the Secretary General to submit a report on the implementation of this resolution to the 49th Session ofthe Council of Foreign Ministers;
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