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India is a rogue state, sponsoring terrorism to destabilize whole region: Pakistan 

India is a rogue state, sponsoring terrorism to destabilize whole region: Pakistan 

By Mashal Khan 



ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Wednesday called India is a rogue state and said New Delhi sponsoring terrorism to destabilize the whole region.


Speaking to a news conference, Pakistan state minister for foreign affairs, Hina Rabbani Khar said Islamabad has shared a dossier of India's involvement in terrorist acts in Pakistan.


“We have evidence [ India state sponsor terrorism in Pakistan] that is undeniable, that is indisputable,” Khar said.  



The following is a edited transcript of Hina Rabbani Khar presser




We are at a unique place where perpetrators of terrorism are today projecting themselves to be the greatest victims of terrorism, the perpetrators of terrorism are drum-beating as Security Council presidents to talk about terrorism from imaginary resources. 



And we are also at a unique place because nobody's willing to call the bluff. Nobody is willing to call out the clear, simple, glaring hypocrisy in the soul. And so when we have evidence that is undeniable, that is indisputable. 


I think it is important for everyone who's speaks of justice, and you know the universality of the value system that we have to call a spade a spade. And this particular effort is to bring to the attention of the world and to expect them and to really encourage them to see things in based on evidence as they are. 


Now I know that the interior minister has already done a press conference. This morning, the foreign secretary of Pakistan was able to call in the diplomatic corps and share this [dossier]  with them. As you already know, [the dossier] has detailed evidence of how India has been found to be fully behind this particular incident which led to the loss of life. And we do not unlike our neighbors, go the next day and blame one country or the other.


 We waited till we had strong hard evidence to be making the case that we making today. Now, let me say that we all claim that terrorism in all its forms and manifestations is condemned. 


We also know that it poses a serious threat to peace and security and I think if there's one thing that has bogged this region down it is the scourge of terrorism. And this one country which has been on the receiving end of the scourge of terrorism, it is Pakistan. 


Yet the other country, which is the source of terrorism in Pakistan continues to play the drum of being the victim of terrorism. I mean it's a remarkable world, right? It's a very interesting proposition that we find ourselves and now we're coming back to the last incident. It is a clear evidence of a terrorist attack, which was planned, which was supported by India, which was two targets innocent civilians. In Pakistan, Lahore jauhar town .


 It reflects in just persistent hostility towards my country, and the use of terrorist proxies to achieve nefarious objectives and we believe objectives which are actually going to harm them also, because when you try and burn the neighbor's house, the fire will come and burn you too.


 A professional law enforcement agencies and judicial authorities have brought the perpetrators of this attack to justice who have received punishment. But these are only the frontline. As we all know. The masterminds and the facilitators remain at large and under Indian state patronage and protection, I can assure you that the Government of Pakistan will pursue this relentlessly at every level. 


Now, India has already earned the infamy of for its terrorist designs and actions its actions in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). The infamous massacre in Indian Gujarat, which made some countries close its toll on many well known Indian leaders, and which still ensured that many other Indian leaders still continue to glorify this incident. 


They want to identify with that incident rather than away from the incident, this troll the psyche, which is currently going on, and I tell you, it's a dangerous one. 


 Its terrorist proxies continue to use neighbors territories, and blatant support to Baluch militant organizations. All of these points one objective and one method the objective is to undermine Pakistan's peace and security and the method is simple terrorism. 


Now, we can call what India is doing to be many things.  I think fragment of a sentence which describes it well is chronic terrorism syndrome.  And how do you define it, you perpetrate terrorism? You fully supported and abetted by the state and other side play as a victim of terrorism.


 No country has used terrorism better than India to play on the back of the attention of the world on terrorism and to play the victim. No country has benefited from it better than India. portray yourself or itself as the champion of counterterrorism.


 If you compare Pakistan and India, you know, you will find Pakistan always be in the forefront of counterterrorism of ensuring that we are a player in the world to try and make sure that terrorism does not continue to haunt us. It also continues to divert international attention from its state state sponsored terrorism and human rights violations in the IIOJK. 



It blatantly violates international laws and regulations to continue terrorist activities and their support facilitation and financing. Maybe it will not be very wise to bring it in this context, but allow me to remind all of you that India is a country which continues to be what I call a rogue state, because the country that tries to deny the existence of Security Council resolutions and insist on other countries imagining a certain part of disputed territory as its own. Shows what type of a mindset this country has. 



India has been consistently paralyzing United Nations Security Council sanctions regime by blocking listing of Indian terrorists actively aided and financed by the state of India. And this I have four names that I can share with you, which Indian nationals whose listing has been blocked by India. This is Gobinda, Parthasarathi, Rajesh Kumar and Mr. Dongara all four names blocked by India for in UNSC listing. And obviously, I think I don't need to remind anyone that India has had a constant role in destabilizing its neighboring countries and weaken their economies to try and pursue its hegemonic designs in the region. 



CPEC Baluchistan a very good examples. I also question I can just try and remind India that you cannot have islands of excellence in a sea of depravity. So when you try and harm your region, you actually end up harming yourself. Now, we can understand that India is currently very frustrated because Pakistan has been delisted from FATF greylist. Right. 


They have completely mastered the art of using international organizations for their political gains. I think they should give lessons of that type of diplomacy to the world. Now this cannot change the fact that India remains the recruiter, the financier, the facilitator of various terrorist outfits. And foreign terrorist fighters within the region. The world may be ignoring this, what I would consider to be a festering pool of terrorism, but at its own peril.



Now what is ironic, as I've already said, is that India has been beating the terrorism drum cheering UNSC meetings on terrorism. Now it has been caught red handed in this particular incident, orchestrating terrorist attacks in its neighboring country, Pakistan. 



Let me be clear to you, as I've always said, when you burn your neighbor's house, the fire will reach you too. I think India should desist from this policy and start looking at this region as neighborhood that it is under India's unabated slip into the abyss of extremism is being clouded by this growing India emerging India narrative. 



And let me conclude by saying because you might be asking what is the yes this is all the evidence the dossier was there but what is the purpose? We believe truly that the international community in particular the UN, in fact, have had the responsibility now to hold India accountable.


 So we are looking for accountability. The Lahore incident is a test case for the credibility and integrity of international counterterrorism and counter financing of terrorism regimes. 


The world must show that efforts to counterterrorism are non discriminatory and international conscience cannot be held hostage to what are clearly political and economic exigencies of the time. I also want to draw the world's attention to the victims who lost lives or were injured in the terrorist incident as well as their families and loved ones. 


They look towards all of us for justice. We have shared this last year with the members of the United Nations Security Council. We are also sharing it with the UN Secretary General. We hope that they would look into this evidence and fulfill the responsibility. 


Pakistan for its part will remain fully committed to eradicate terrorism in all its form and manifestations as far as this specific issue is concerned. I know you already know from the interior ministers briefing, but I will just repeat red warrants through Interpol have already been issued, mutual legal assistance requests to countries whose territory has been used for this. 



This incident have been seized. And as we already said, we'll be sitting will be formally taking it up at the UN. We have shared the copies are in the process of sharing the copies of the dossier with the Security Council members and the United Nations Security Secretary General and our expectations of the world is that if this is allowed, because of India's growing because of what we call the existence exigencies of political and economic interest, we will all have to pay the price for it. We will all have to pay the price for it with that


Now these incidents the fact that you have Kulbhushan Jadhav here, all these are clear signs of a very large country trying to dampen the entire region to its what I would consider the vicious designs.



 I don't think these designs are good for India also, because India is also part of the neighborhood. It should want the prosperity of neighborhood. Now that thought process is something that you can't change that we would like to be able to change. 


So if you see in the last five to 10 years, India has changed tactics and become much worse than it used to be where it is now propagating, you know, extremism in some ways and propagating against certain minorities. What it did in IIOJK, what it did for its own elections, sent jets into one nuclear power sending jets into another nuclear power. Do we need evidence of more irresponsible behavior for the world? That's evidence enough.




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