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Sunday, 09 March 2025
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Graveyard of Empires: US President refuses to apologise over withdrawal of  its forces from Afghanistan

Graveyard of Empires: US President refuses to apologise over withdrawal of its forces from Afghanistan

The South Asia Times report



WASHINGTON (TSAT) - The US President Joe Biden stood with his decision of troops withdrawal from Afghanistan and said “I make no apologies for what I did”.


During a news conference on Thursday, transcript published on the White House website,  Biden said Afghanistan remained the graveyard of empires for a solid reason.


“We were spending a trillion dollars a week — I mean, a billion dollars a week in Afghanistan for 20 years,” Biden responded to a question when a reporter asked  that “There are deep questions among Americans about the competence of government, from the messy rollout of 5G this week, to the Afghanistan withdraw, to testing on COVID.  What have you done to restore Americans’ faith in the competence of government? “


The US President said it’s not possible to unit all Afghans under one government.


“Raise your hand if you think anyone was going to be able to unify Afghanistan under one single government.  It’s been the graveyard of empires for a solid reason: It is not susceptible to unity, number one,” Biden said.



“So, the question was: Do I continue to spend that much money per week in the state of Afghanistan, knowing that the idea that being able to succeed — other than sending more body bags back home — is highly, highly unusual?” he questioned.


Defending his withdrawal decision from Afghanistan, he said there was no way to get out easily from Afghanistan after 20 years


“Not possible no matter when you did it.  And I make no apologies for what I did.”


He said many things are happening around the world but American can not solve every problem of others.



“I have a great concern for the women and men who were blown up on the line at the airport by a terrorist attack against them.  But the military will acknowledge — and I think you will, who know a lot about foreign policy — that had we stayed and I had not pull those troops out, we would be asked to put somewhere between 20- and 50,000 more troops back in,” he added.


“Because the only reason more Americans weren’t being killed — and others — is because the last president signed an agreement to get out by May the 1st, and so everything was copacetic.”


“Had we not gotten out — and the acknowledgement is we’d be putting a lot more forces in.  You know, am I — do I feel badly what’s happening to — as a consequence of the incompetence of the Taliban?  Yes, I do,” said President Biden.


The US president face tough criticism inside his country after withdrew its troop from Afghanistan on August 31, last year and Taliban captured the country after 20 year long-war against the Washington and its NATO allies.


Taliban called its “its victory” against the western forces to took over Kabul after 20 year of war.


However, in February 2020, the former US President Donald Trump administration had signed a peace deal with Taliban in Dohan and agreed to withdraw US troops till May end of 2021.

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