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Pakistan parliament unanimous resolution strongly condemns Hamas political chief assasination 

Pakistan parliament unanimous resolution strongly condemns Hamas political chief assasination 



Text of the Resolution of the National Assembly of Pakistan


Condemnation of Israeli Oppression and Brutality against People of


The National Assembly of Pakistan, in its session held on 2nd August 2024,

hereby resolves as follows:

Whereas the atrocities by Israel on Palestinians have escalated, causing

immense suffering and loss of over 40,000 innocent lives so far, including

women and children;

Whereas all parliamentary parties in the National Assembly express their

unified grief and anger over the ongoing Israeli oppression and brutality against

people of Palestine for the past nine months;

Whereas the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran has added

to the angst and grief, and such incidents are seen as deliberate conspiracies to

sabotage efforts to stop the ongoing oppression and brutality against

Palestinians, and to establish peace in the region;

Whereas the Israeli leadership is intent on expelling the population of Palestine

from their homeland, and despite clear verdicts of the International Court of

Justice (ICJ) and resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly, the UN

Security Council, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and calls by the

UN Secretary General, Israel has not stopped the indiscriminate violence and

attacks against innocent Palestinians;

Whereas Pakistan condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations,

including extrajudicial and extraterritorial killings irrespective of the motives,

and views with serious concern the growing adventurism in the region; and

Whereas such incidents not only destroy the peace of the world but also

constitute a dangerous escalation in an already volatile region and undermine

efforts for peace;

Therefore, this House:

1. Strongly condemns the ongoing state oppression and brutality by Israel in

Palestine as a tragedy for the Muslim Ummah and the world.

2. Expresses complete solidarity with the Palestinian brothers and sisters and

extends condolences to the family of Ismail Haniyeh and the people of



3. Calls for an immediate and comprehensive ceasefire, and the provision of

sustainable and unhindered humanitarian assistance to the beleaguered

Palestinians, and immediate withdrawal of Israeli occupation forces from Gaza

in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 2735 (2024).

4. Decides that Pakistan will continue to supply aid to Palestine and take

effective measures for medical assistance to the oppressed Palestinian brothers

and sisters, including medical treatment in Pakistan.

5. Resolves that Palestinian medical students will be given admission in

Pakistan's medical colleges on gratis basis to complete their education.

6. Decides to observe a day of mourning across Pakistan on 2nd August as a

mark of solidarity with our Palestinian brothers and sisters, and to

Onequivocally condemn Israeli brutality.

7 Décides to hold a funeral prayer in absentia for martyr Ismail Haniyeh

across the country after Friday prayers today.

8. Calls on the United Nations Security Council to take effective measures to

impose its call for a ceasefire in Gaza in order to stop the genocidal war being

waged against Palestinian people and hold Israel accountable for its war crimes

and crimes against humanity inflicted upon the Palestinians.

9. Calls on the international community to take effective collective action to

halt Israel's oppression and brutalities, and deliver justice to the Palestinian


10. Calls for the immediate admission of the State of Palestine as a full member

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