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Friday, 07 March 2025
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India’s Propaganda Campaign debunked by Australian Cricket Team yet again

India’s Propaganda Campaign debunked by Australian Cricket Team yet again

By Shahid Shah


For almost past 16 years, a disinformation & propaganda network consisting of Indian news mediums and domains has been working against Pakistan. Just when the world thought that after being exposed & disgraced in front of the entire world, India would now put a bar to its fake news outlets, on the contrary, India persistently continues to promote State-sponsored Disinformation & propaganda campaign against Pakistan.

From Disinfo lab to Arnab Goswami Chat leaks and later, Arnab Goswami becoming a laughing stock in front of the world for his fictitious claims about Pakistani military officers presence on 5th Floor of Serena Hotel Kabul, India had never put a break to its fake & disgruntled news syndrome. The propaganda & disinformation campaign carried out to scuttle the tour of New Zealand Cricket team has not long past. It was evident in front of the entire world that how systematically, tour of black caps was sabotaged to influence the fake security perception about Pakistan internationally.

It is no surprise that Indian disinformation & malicious propaganda campaign is once again back in the lineup against Pakistan just ahead of FATF’s plenary meeting scheduled in current week. A report released by Kashmir media service (KMS) states that “an Indian campaign against Pakistan is underway, with its media spreading propaganda that Pakistan will soon be added to the FATF’s blacklist.” The only objective of such black propaganda is to influence FATF’s decision regarding Pakistan in order to fulfil malicious political agenda against Pakistan.

Today, if we look at the recent wave of this propaganda campaign, wife of “Australian cricketer” receives fake and fabricated death threat with a warning of dire consequences if her husband traveled to Pakistan for a cricket match series. This is in a similar pattern to what happened in the New Zealand tour controversy wherein fake threats, fake messages, fake posts and then bigger media houses propagated the message through their propaganda mediums. India had been using "notorious tactics" in the past to make Pakistan a no-go zone for international cricket and once gain through this hybrid disinformation weapon it is propagating lies and fake news. But all strategies failed once again, Australian team is in Pakistan after almost 18 years. Australian team has shown full confidence in Pakistan’s security and this is a slap on the face of those spreading disinformation & lies. Australian cricketer in a video message has clearly indicated that “We are very well aware of few Social media posts and there is a possibility of unfortunate incidents through these platforms. A lot of people in Pakistan are working with us, we are confident in our security and we feel very safe in Pakistan. It is great to be back in Pakistan and play cricket here. Many of us have come here for the first time and we are excited.”
The world today realizes the disinformation manipulative campaigns of India against other states. Today, after a successful conduct of Pakistan Super League and soon after that Australian team visiting Pakistan and appreciating security inside Pakistan is a tight slap to all evil Indian designs and propaganda.

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